Unraveling the Mystery of Drug Abuse Among Youth
Dive into the complex web of causes behind drug abuse among the vulnerable age group of drug abuse. Drug abuse among the vulnerable age group of drug abuse has become a pressing concern, one that we must address comprehensively. In this article, we will delve deep into the underlying causes behind this troubling issue. We'll explore not only the statistics and data but also share personal anecdotes to provide a human touch to this complex problem. The Lure of Escapism Youth today face an array of challenges and stressors, often driving them towards substance abuse as an escape. The pressure to excel academically, fit into social circles, and conform to societal expectations can be overwhelming. It was during my own teenage years that I witnessed the allure of escapism through substances. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 20% of young adults aged 18 to 25 have used an illicit drug in the past month. Peer Pressur...